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A member registered Feb 08, 2022

Recent community posts

You're the creator, this is your work. Imo do whatever you want to and tell the story you want. It's an amazing game so far and 0 doubts it will only get better.

Homie take all the time you need. Do what you have to do. Your community will always support you

The shower one or the twins scene? Either way they're both in the game

It's worded oddly. You just need to advance all of the other girls to finish. Has nothing to do with donating.

Same issue

I like cereal.

You got this, I believe in you!

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Android still doesn't want to listen to you. 🥲

Your updates and communication are very much appreciated. Thank you!

I know you've addressed this, but I'm on android and still can't use the quick menu. One of my favorite games ♡

You talked about adding consumables with the farm. Maybe with the new added locations you could add shops? Instead of ordering everything off your computer. I like the idea of taking the characters on a date to buy new outfits. Or maybe adding a shop to buy gifts to increase romance. Like flowers or stuffed animals. 

Same these all sound great. I like the upgrading the hotel options. Just like the bar. Maybe add ways to upgrade the spa too. Generate passive income

I keep getting this when I try to run the Android APK

Every other week works fine. Great game btw